KXD Increase The Use of Recycled Aluminum in Its Phones!

News source from: https://en.kenxinda.com/kxd-mobile-to-increase-the-use-of-recycled-aluminum-in-its-phones/
Apple announced the new MacBook Air, at a special event in Brooklyn, New York, on October 30. Along with its higher price tag, upgraded internals and smaller size is the use of a 100% recycled aluminum shell, which set another role model for the industry.
On November 1, KXD Mobile, the smartphone company that headquartered in Shenzhen, announced that it will work with aluminum enterprises and environmental protection companies to increase the use of recycled aluminum in its phones to help build a greener earth!

Aluminum, which is the most abundant metal in the earth’s crust, is not surprisingly one of the most recycled materials today, after steel and paper. Recovering aluminum for recycling is not only economically viable, but energy efficient and ecologically sound.

With the evolution of phone design, aluminum is used to create outer and internal frames as well as metal uni-body for phones, and has become the most used metal in the phone industry. KXD, as a company that set environmental protection as its core value from its starting point, is always focused on the latest development of sustainable economy and technology.

KXD has been using recycled metal for its phones since 2010 and is fully aware of the environmental impact of its phones during its lifespan. KXD also has been co-operating with environmental protection companies to offer environmental-friendly solutions for its consumers while act as role model for the industry. From now on, KXD will dramatically increase the use of recycled aluminum in its phones and aims at a 100% usage of recycled metal!
It is reported that KXD will work with an environmental protection company to release a limited edition smartphone with 100% recycled aluminum. The details are yet to be announced.
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